Hello everyone,
Today is the last day of term! We now have a holiday for two weeks. We hope you have a lovely, restful break. Remember to stay safe and healthy by exercising, eating healthy food and having fun! Remember it is important to continue some learning such as reading every day for at least ten minutes, practising your times tables and doing any learning activities you haven't completed from our blog. We will not be posting anything on this blog for the next two weeks. We will start posting learning activities again on Monday 8th June. Bye for now! Mr Tait and Mr Ahmed-Swift
Hello everyone,
For those children, celebrating Eid al-Fitr at some point this weekend Eid Mubarak ! Have a lovely time! This half term I would like to give a certificate to someone who has done their work every week and sent it to me via email . ![]()
Hi guys,
Do you remember this song that we learned in assembly? It's called ' Stand by me' I want you to listen to it and sing along. The version you will listen to is in a different key to what we have sung it in. It's also slightly different to my version of it. When you have learned the song try to accompany it with your own ostinato(simple repeated pattern) rhythm. You won't be expected to play the rhythm and sing at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTCfQ6Bb8QE Hope you enjoy it. Send me photos, audio or videos to [email protected] Hello everyone,
This week's star of the week award goes to all those children who have engaged with this blog on a daily basis. Well done! I hope you all have a fantastic half term holiday and hope to hear from you via the blog on 8th June. Take care and stay safe! Mr Tait ...all the children in 5L who have kept up with their learning during this time out of school. Many of you have been working very diligently, and we know it!
You are our stars. Well done! Please continue with the online text - "The Rhiswanozebtah."
Complete pages 17, 18 and 19 of the learning pack. Don't forget to send us your work if possible: https://www.talk4writing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Y5-Maria-Rhizeb.pdf Good morning everyone!
This is the last day of virtual learning for 2 weeks. We hope you have a happy and safe half term break. These are the learning activities we want you to complete today in addition to English and Maths: The Joe Wicks work out . The work out starts at 9am and lasts for 30 minutes. Has anybody noticed that the workouts are getting more challenging? Keep on training with Joe and watch your fitness levels improve! Click on this link to take part: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 From 9.30 – 10.00 am, we want you to practise your spellings. The spelling lists were uploaded on a blog post dated 20/3/20. We suggest that you practise ten spellings each day (start on step 5). Remember to use the ‘Look, say, cover, write, check’ method to remember the spellings. Next, we want you to read for half an hour. Read your book or online text to an experienced reader if possible (this could be your mum, dad, carer, brother, sister or any other relative). While you are reading, ask the person who is listening to you read to ask you questions about the book/text. If you have any questions about the learning activities then please email us at: [email protected] (for Mr Ahmed-Swift) [email protected] (for Mr Tait) Please complete the Summer Term - Week 5 (w/c 18th May) Friday maths challenge
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/ There are answers with the challenge. Have fun! Hi all,
For Computing this week I'd like you to follow this Barefoot lesson plan to recap what algorithms are by making up an algorithm for a dance routine! https://www.barefootcomputing.org/docs/default-source/at-home/dance_moves_activity.pdf?sfvrsn=c15391ea_2 Dr Chips |