Our geography curriculum is designed to enable our children to be real geographers and: · to have a greater understanding of the physical and human world in which they live by providing a broad range of opportunities. · to observe, interact with and learn from the physical and human world while developing basic skills. · be environmentally aware, respectful and responsible including through fieldwork.
Our geography curriculum is built around three key concepts: Investigate Places, Human and Physical Features and Geographical Skills and Fieldwork. These concepts run through and across year groups, ensuring children are able to build on their knowledge over time. In this way, our chosen units act as vehicles for these concepts.
Our geography curriculum is relevant to the children’s experiences and backgrounds. This is demonstrated through human geography. The two themes we have decided to focus on are Settlement and Tourism. Settlement was chosen because the children live in Manchester, a significant city settlement in the UK and Tourism, because a large proportion of our children have experienced travel, since their families’ places of origin are abroad.
Key Stage 2 UK objectives have been sequenced to form mini units of work. This enables children to build up their knowledge of the UK over time and revisit these objectives regularly.