At Crumpsall Lane, as part of our PSHE curriculum, we teach about Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). The focus in primary school is to teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults. Our curriculum also teaches pupils the knowledge they need to recognise and to report abuse, including emotional, physical and sexual abuse. This is achieved by focusing on boundaries and privacy and by ensuring young people understand that they have rights over their own bodies.
To ensure our teaching is appropriate for the age of the children within each year group, we liaise with Manchester Healthy Schools who guide us in following best practise. Manchester Healthy Schools provide us with a scheme of work which is followed by most schools across Manchester. All Schools are required to teach children about relationships. Relationships education has been compulsory for pupils in primary education since September 2020.
Our curriculum is also developed with consideration given to the social, cultural and religious background of the school community. Annually, we give parents the opportunity to engage with our RSE curriculum so that our curriculum is transparent and clear for all and so that it can be adapted where/if necessary. More information about the content of our RSE curriculum can he found at the end of our RSE Policy.