Welcome to Early Years at Crumpsall Lane Primary School. Our Early Years consists of a 39-place nursery classroom and one reception unit, which is made up of two 30-place reception classes.
In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Crumpsall Lane, we:
Engage all children and ignite a passion for learning by creating a positive attitude to challenge.
Look upon each child as an individual; to listen and follow their interests.
Teach children to understand themselves; be able to celebrate their strengths and form strong relationships with others.
Plan activities to help children to embrace their home city of Manchester; the local community and its diversity.
Work alongside parents, as partners, throughout the learning journey.
Please use the different tabs attached to the EYFS page to find out more information about the Early Years at Crumpsall Lane, as well as pages for Nursery and Reception parents to find out information specific to these year groups.
If you still want to find out more about our school curriculum after looking at our website, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance, or the school office.