We provide daily opportunities for children to learn how to spell. Beyond this, we know that children need to learn the skills of being a writer and to allow this to happen, we run daily English lessons. Children are introduced to texts – fiction and non-fiction – around all sorts of themes and ideas. We use a range of texts, including photographs and video clips. All children have writing targets which enable them to focus on the particular writing skills they need to develop. The teaching of this knowledge is at the heart of each literacy unit, with short writing opportunities throughout, building up to a final piece of writing inspired by the text/s studied. We use a range of oracy strategies and sentence building activities to develop the necessary knowledge to write an extended piece of writing.
Below, you will find our writing overview, which identifies text types, opportunities for building skills and potential links to the wider curriculum. We review this regularly and make adaptations where appropriate. Also, you will fid our teaching sequence for writing.