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9.00am- PE
Get active with The Body Coach- Joe Wicks. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ OR Spend 20 minutes mastering this dance.
9.30am- Spellings
Unit 3: Adding the suffix -ous Today we're doing choose the right word. Write out or read out these sentences with the correct word in the space ![]()
10.00am- Dr Chip's Daily Dose
Join Dr Chip for your daily dose of Computing, Science and Engineering! Daily Dose! ![]()
10.45am - English and Maths
English David Walliams' Elevenses https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
You're off on a trip to Hawaii!
Follow this link to explore the volcanoes of Hawaii. https://artsandculture.withgoogle.com/en-us/national-parks-service/hawaii-volcanoes/nahuku-lava-tube-tour We would like you to take a screenshot of your favourite part of this virtual trip and fill in the trip log below. (Printable file is also attached.) Ensure you show off by using your targets in the description! ![]()
Ok, so now you've covered your, 3, 4 and 8 times tables today is going to be a little bit different. You are going to play a game of Mathopoly using these three times tables only. See how many of your family members you can get to join in while you test how fast you can recall facts ready for the Rockstar Battle tomorrow! All the files you need are below. If you can't print it out, why not make your own board came using 3, 4 and 8 times table facts! ![]()
White Rose resources are still accessible on their website each day.
Just follow this link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ If the year 3 work is too tricky, try the year 2 or year 1 work and see how you get on!
1.00pm- Reading
Today on our Dynasties clip we'll be watching the emperor penguin! Have a watch and then complete the questions.
1.30pm- Wider Curriculum
Magic Spinning Eggshell! To try this you'll need-
Enjoy and send us an email to show us how you got on!
Miss Humphreys and Mrs Kayani
9.00am- PE
Get active with The Body Coach- Joe Wicks. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ OR Spend 20 minutes mastering this dance. ![]()
9.30am- Spellings
Unit 3: Adding the suffix -ous Today we're doing word changers. Complete the grid with the prefix, root word and then the combined word ![]()
10.00am- Dr Chip's Daily Dose
Join Dr Chip for your daily dose of Computing, Science and Engineering! Daily Dose! ![]()
10.45am - English and Maths
English David Walliams' Elevenses https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Fill in the story!
This task involves filling in the blanks in the story of The Lion and the Mouse. Read the parts that are there and fill in the gaps with your own ideas so that the story still makes sense. Remember to include your writing targets! The story is below and the file is attached for those of you who can print. ![]()
This week you are going to be mastering your times tables. We hope you got on well yesterday and are on your way to being ready for the Rockstar Battle! Today we're moving on to the 8 x table. Remember you need super quick fact recall and no counting on fingers! Complete the activities on the page below! https://www.timestables.co.uk/8-times-table.html White Rose resources are still accessible on their website each day. Just follow this link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ If the year 3 work is too tricky, try the year 2 or year 1 work and see how you get on!
1.00pm- Reading
Today on our Dynasties clip we'll be watching some lions and a very angry hippo! Have a watch and then complete the questions.
1.30pm- Wider Curriculum
Paper toys! To try this you'll need-
When you dip the paper strip, it starts sucking water up. Water is dissolving dried colour pigments from markers and beautifully mixing them.
Enjoy and send us an email to show us how you got on!
Miss Humphreys and Mrs Kayani Hello Year 3, Last week in PSHE we looked at different reasons for spending money. Thank you to all the children who emailed me their work especially, Harris, Manahil and Naba. Here are some examples of work! This week in PSHE we are discussing value for money and how to shop wisely in places like supermarkets. Have a look at the smart board first then try the work sheet. Don't forget to email me any questions or work at: [email protected] Mrs Halim ![]()
9.00am- PE
Get active with The Body Coach- Joe Wicks. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ OR Spend 20 minutes mastering this dance. ![]()
9.30am- Spellings
Unit 3: Adding the suffix -ous Today we'll be completing our dots and dashes. Remember: . for single phonemes __ for digraphs ( for split digraphs ![]()
10.00am- Dr Chip's Daily Dose
Join Dr Chip for your daily dose of Computing, Science and Engineering! Daily Dose! ![]()
10.45am - English and Maths
English David Walliams' Elevenses https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ ![]()
Play Pass Around Story Writing!
This game involves telling a story but it comes with a twist! You will need:
This week you are going to be mastering your times tables. We hope you got on well yesterday and are on your way to being ready for the Rockstar Battle! Today we're moving on to the 4 x table. Remember you need super quick fact recall and no counting on fingers! Complete the activities on the page below! https://www.timestables.co.uk/4-times-table.html White Rose resources are still accessible on their website each day. Just follow this link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ If the year 3 work is too tricky, try the year 2 or year 1 work and see how you get on!
1.00pm- Reading
Today on our Dynasties clip we'll be watching four tiny tiger cubs! Have a watch and then complete the questions.
1.30pm- Wider Curriculum
Paper toys! To try this you'll need-
Enjoy and send us an email to tell us how you got on!
Miss Humphreys and Mrs Kayani Date: lundi le vingt-sept avril 1. Bonjour!!! Je m’appelle Madame Oseman, comment t’appelles-tu? 2. Remember months of the year??? Join in with this song to remind yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_u2SigckNQ 3. Now – Here is a game you can play to help you: https://www.lightbulblanguages.co.uk/estrellas-resources/MemoryGame/fr-lesmois/fr-lesmois.html 4. J’ai cinq ans, j’ai douze ans. Quel âge as-tu ? I am 5 years old, I am twelve years old. How old are you ? Answer this question in French. 5. When is your birthday? You can say your birthday out loud, but make up a different one to write, like we do in class! Here is a sheet to help you. 6. Make a French birthday card for someone in your family and say “Bon anniversaire” or “Joyeux anniversaire” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPdq0J9jzbs Send me any work to the email below. Au revoir!! Mrs Oseman – [email protected] ![]()
Bonjour Year 3! C’est jeudi le 26 mars 2020.
J’adore your class blogs! Here is a reminder of a Home Learning chart you may have already seen. You can start with your own year group and explore topics in other year groups too. There are videos, games with QRs and keywords. I will post some familiar and new activities next week. You can add comments so I can hear about how you are getting on! Bon Travail! Mrs Oseman ![]() Last week we looked at the 5 Pillars of Islam and you produced some great work. This week we move on to looking at Sawm and fasting in Ramadan, which has already begun! 1. So, first read the text. 2.Next complete the attached sheet. What bad habits could you give up (bad table manners, eating too much junk food, treating others unkindly etc) and what good deeds could you do (speak kindly, offer to do a job, write a thank you letter etc) 3. Now find out how other religions might not eat certain foods: a) Christianity - Lent - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/ztkxpv4/articles/z77jf4j b) Judaism – Yom Kippur - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/znwhfg8/articles/z4vvjhv Send me your work to: [email protected] Take care!! ![]()
Welcome back! We hope you've had a good weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead! Let's start with some exercise.
9.00am- PE
Get active with The Body Coach- Joe Wicks. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ OR Spend 20 minutes mastering this dance.
9.30am- Spellings
Unit 3: Adding the suffix -ous This week's focus is Unit 3- Adding the suffix -ous . Today we would like you to create a list of words that use this suffix. Once you have created the list underline the root word in each word. e.g. dangerous Words like nervous are slightly different. If the root word ends in an 'e' e.g. nerve, we drop the 'e before adding 'ous- nervous ![]()
10.45am - English and Maths
English David Walliams' Elevenses https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ ![]()
Play Telephone Pictionary!
This is a writing game. The game is more fun with a larger number of players. You will need: - Plain sheets of paper - Pencils for each player How to play:
This week you are going to be mastering your times tables. Each day you will be given a new one to master and at the end of the week there'll be a Rockstar Battle to show off your skills! Today we're starting with the 3 x table...you might think they're easy but you need to be fast. Super quick fact recall and no counting on fingers! Complete the activities on the page below. https://www.timestables.co.uk/3-times-table.html White Rose resources are still accessible on their website each day. Just follow this link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ If the year 3 work is too tricky, try the year 2 or year 1 work and see how you get on!
1.00pm- Reading
This week we'll be watching different clips from the BBC's Dynasties documentary and answering comprehension questions on each. Today we're starting with a beautiful painted wolf called Tait and her adorable new pups. Have a watch and then complete the questions.
1.30pm- Wider Curriculum
What's in the box?- Sensory Challenge! To try this you'll need-
Enjoy and send us an email to tell us how you got on!
Miss Humphreys and Mrs Kayani |
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