Aminah, we couldn't hear you on the call so thank you for sending this to us in the chat. We love it and you're working so hard! We're all really proud of you.
Have a read everyone! Miss Humphreys, Mrs Best and Mrs Malik My lovely cat has eyes like stars Ears like a witch Tail like a rice, paws and claws like human teeth Toes and teeth as sharp as knives.
mardi le 30 juin 2020 Bonjour!!! 1. Let’s start with a reminder of animals we know, but watch out there are a couple we haven’t learnt, but I think you will work it out!!!! Top tip , do the easy ones first! ![]()
2. Qui suis-je? Who am I? Meet these two!! Your turn to draw an animal and use the same phrases to write on your sheet.
4. Guess who’s speaking French – Peppa Pig!!!
Send photos of your work to me at: [email protected] Take care!! À bientôt Mrs Oseman !Hello again Year 3, Last week in PHSE we thought about what makes us feel calm and we drew and labelled things that made us feel peaceful. This week we are looking at self esteem and how to feel good about ourselves by discussing the different ways in which we are all amazing! We will think about the various things we are good at and what our special talents are. Go through the power point first then try the sheet . Don't forget to email me at: [email protected] with your work. Mrs Halim ![]()
![]() This week we will be looking at properties of shapes. This weeks learning in under Mon 15th June / 22nd June . Please scroll down once you are on the page. There is a little tab that says open at the side, you need to click on that for the work to load. 29.6.20 - Complete the task labeled: Recognise angles as a property of shape or description of a Turn. This is under Mon 15th June. 30.6.20 - Complete the task labeled: Identify and Compare Right Angles, Acute Angles and Obtuse Angles. 1.7.20 - Identify Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. 2.7.20 - Practise Identifying Regular and Irregular 2D Shapes. 3.7.20 - Recognise and Describe 3D Shapes. English for week beginning 29.6.2020 This week we will be focusing on something Mrs Kayani and Miss Humphreys always says... Proof read your work! 29.6.2020 - Today you will begin by focusing on spelling mistakes and capital letters. You can use a dictionary or the internet to look up the correct spelling. You can try to sound out and listen for the letter sounds first then use the internet to check your spellings. ![]()
30.6.20 - Today we will be looking for capital letters, full stops and question marks. ![]()
1.7.2020 - Today we will be adding inverted commas to the mix! Have a go. Who can remember the rules for using inverted commas? Leave us a message to let us know :) ![]()
2.7.2020 - Happy Thursday. I would like you to write a small passage for your parents . However, I want you to make spelling and punctuation mistakes. Can they proof read to spot the mistakes?
3.7.2020 - To celebrate the weekend, I would now like you to write a small passage with mistakes for your teacher! You could include spelling mistakes, missing punctuation at the end of sentences, incorrect use of inverted commas or maybe missing full stops. Your teacher will then fix the mistakes and send it back to you for marking! Unit 8: Words with the sh sound spelt ch 29.6.2020 - Today we'll be completing our dots and dashes. Remember: . for single phonemes __ for digraphs ( for split digraph 30.6.2020 - Today we're doing choose the right word. Write out or read out these sentences with the correct word in the space. 1.7.2020 - Today we're doing word changers. Complete the grid with the root word, suffix and then the combined word. 2.7.2020 Today we would like you to practise your handwriting and spellings together. Use the word list attached below. Remember to join your letters! you can draw your own guidelines if you don't have lined paper or if you are able to print handwriting paper, we have attached some below. handwriting_paper.pdf Download File ![]()
Firstly, I would like you all to go through the Roman mosaic power point. I would like you to create your very own mosaic you can cut up any card or coloured paper you have to create your image. I have also attached mosaic sheets that you can colour then cut out and arrange to make your very own mosaic. Be creative, I can't wait to see what you create ! PS. You can spend all week on this :) ![]()
It's that time of the year where we have to say goodbye....
Mrs kayani is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Please see below for log in details . Topic: Goodbye 3C Time: Jul 7, 2020 3:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 997 4006 2200 Password: 0AUVPu This week's Zoom meeting for 3L has been moved to Tueday 30th June @ 12pm after a technical failure at Miss Humphreys' house today. See the updated meeting details on your text!
See you then! Miss H During the month of May, Mustafa took part in a comic competition to spread awareness about dangers of the train. On Sunday the winners were announced, and he has won the joint second prize and now his comic is going to be published! Those of you who were on last week's Zoom call got a sneak preview of it and we're so excited to see the finished , published article! Spreading the message of safety around the tracks is so important and with your creativity and love for writing you're just the person to do it. We couldn't be more proud!
Miss Humphreys, Mrs Best and Mrs Malik |
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