Today in Nursery we found out about Halloween. We looked at two pumpkins, we felt how heavy and cold they were and in our groups discussed which one was the heaviest.
After lunch, Mrs Mayoh and Miss Simpson helped us to cut open the pumpkins. We then scooped out the flesh and the seeds. We put them into our tough trays and explored! After this, we made our own potions using the pumpkin seeds, we mixed them in cauldrons. Then we made witches and wizards hats! What an exciting day! This week in nursery, some of our families have been to school to find out all about PACT (Parents and Children Together) They were all given their first box of books. The theme for the next 5 weeks is Animals.
We wish all of our families every success in delivering the programme and remind them that if they need any further support to come to nursery and ask a member of staff. In nursery this week, we have been singing the rhyme Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. So we decided to make our own and put him in the nursery garden! We then sang the rhyme outside!
Check out our Dingle Dangle moves In nursery, we have been finding out all about Autumn. We went for a walk around the nursery playground. We found lots of conkers and leaves.
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October 2021
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