Good morning and welcome to another new week!
9.00am- PE
Get active with The Body Coach- Joe Wicks. OR Spend 20 minutes mastering this dance.
9.30am- Spellings
Unit 4: Adding the suffix -ly This week's focus is Unit 4- Adding the suffix -ly. Today we would like you to create a list of words that use this suffix. Once you have created the list underline the root word in each word. e.g. badly Some words are slightly different. If the root word ends in an 'e' e.g. simple, we drop the 'le' before adding 'ly' - simply
10.45am - English and Maths
English David Walliams' Elevenses
All you little witches and wizards are off on an adventure!
Say goodbye to Crumpsall Lane and hello to Miss Hardbroom's Worst Witch Academy.
You're off out for English today and Miss Hardbroom has lots for you to get on with! Complete your tasks, collect the items in your spell book and mix your potions. Once you've graduated, write a set of instructions to make the potion that you created. Make sure you note down the names of all the ingredients! Below is an example of a set of instructions and we have attached another copy with all of your targets on so make sure you take a good look at that.
Good luck and don't get on the wrong side of Miss Hardbroom!
Today we would like you to download and try these reasoning tasks from Deepening Understanding. The file is attached below. If the Year 3 tasks are too tricky, try the year 1 or 2 tasks by following the link.
Year 2 Set-
Year 1 Set-
White Rose video resources are still accessible on their website each day, however worksheets are not. You can watch the video and then practise on your own or with an adult. They also have a link to BBC Bitesize to practise further.
Just follow this link: If the year 3 work is too tricky, try the year 2 or year 1 work and see how you get on!
1.00pm- Reading
Today we will be watching the video below from the film Moana. Once you've watched it have a go at the comprehension questions below. The file is also attached if you are able to print.
1.30pm- Wider Curriculum
Art- Celebrity Mirror Face! Practise your sketching skills by drawing the other half of each celebrity's face! The files are attached below there's one for if you're left-handed and one for if you're right-handed.
Enjoy and make sure you send us photos to show us how you got on!
Miss Humphreys and Mrs Kayani
AuthorHere you can learn about the learning of Year 3. Archives
October 2021
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