![]() Good Morning. Thank you for all your jokes yesterday! You have a great sense of humour. The winning jokes were: Darin 4C: "Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9!" Fatima 4L: "Why should you not trust stairs? Because they're always up to something!" Can you solve this riddle? I am lighter than a feather but no one can hold me for long. What am I? 9.00- Let's start the day with a workout Click here to join in with The Body Coach - Joe Wicks as he does his Live daily workout. 9.30- Spellings Have a go at this spooky spelling game: Spooky Spellings-Top Marks 10.00- Dr Chip's Daily Dose Let's join Dr Chip for his Daily Dose of Computing, Science or Engineering! 10.45- English and Maths English Look at the image below of the tiny dragon. With a sibling or adult, discuss the questions next to the picture. Write your discussion in the comments below. Show off your amazing imagination! ![]() Where is it from?
Example: I think this dragon is from a forbidden kingdom. I like to imagine that it is a really small dragon which you can keep in your pocket but when you need it to, it can grow huge so that you can ride it. There are more like him but they are still trapped in their kingdom... Maths White Rose are adding fantastic home learning opportunities to their website weekly. They include video tutorials and worksheets to use alongside. This week the home learning for Year 4 is Recognising tenths and hundredths Please complete Lesson 4 1.00-Reading Activities Have a look at these reading challenge cards. Choose 3 to complete. ![]()
1.30-Wider Curriculum BBC Super Movers! provide fun, active videos that consolidate learning we have done in class. Can you join in with a Maths video and then create your own song or dance about something we have learnt? It could be a song to remember your times tables or a song about the layers of the rainforest! Me and Miss Lashmar have been practising too..
26/3/2020 09:57:35 am
I pretty sure it's air
Fatima Hamid
26/3/2020 09:59:03 am
It is (air)
26/3/2020 10:04:59 am
Abdul Mujib
26/3/2020 10:05:49 am
I start with a and end with z what am i ? I am the alphebet
26/3/2020 11:20:59 am
Is the answer to the riddle air?
Moeez tarar
26/3/2020 04:25:35 pm
Miss can you email me some work which I can do at home.
Miss Lashmar
26/3/2020 04:35:22 pm
Hi Moeez,
26/3/2020 04:27:36 pm
Probably air
Fatima hamid
26/3/2020 09:08:18 pm
I have done my spooky spellings
Zakariya naseer
27/3/2020 09:52:44 am
I think it's air aswell
27/3/2020 07:06:39 pm
I have done my ttr yey boys are winning 😀😀😀
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